Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing is describing marketing on mobile device or with a mobile device. This can be a cell phone, a think pad, an ipad or smart phones like iphone, android or blackberry.

There are many aspects of suck type of marketing. There are difference in the way the marketing is sent and the type of message which sent.

The different types of marketing include Short Message Service (SMS). This marketing break trough began in early 2000 in Europe and Asia. Advertisers were carried away collecting mobile numbers and just spamming them. Finally, mobile operators had to take charge of the situation by limiting this spamming. The IBA (Interactive Advertising Bureau) and the Mobile Marketing Association were created to maintain guidelines for the use of mobile marketing practices.

There are several online mobile marketers which will take on a campaign and market your idea, business or product to their specific group dynamics, which is amazing target marketing. Who would not want that. Hungry customers to sell to.

This type of mobile marketing is most widely used today but it is also the most LEAST expensive (compared to other types of e-marketing), and still cheaper than internet type pay per click. This makes mobile marketing a very hot market place. Further, just knowing that there are more than twice the amount of mobiles than land line computers will give the answer away. MOBILE is the way to go for marketing.

Keep in touch to learn about two other types of cutting edge mobile marketing. This is even more low cost and will get you local business. Why?,…because most mobile searches are related to local area searches to find something just where you are. Think about it. You are in a different city and don’t know where to find the place to buy beer.

What do you do? Search for it on you smart phone. The results are for local businesses. HELLO!  Do you get it NOW!